Monday, December 31, 2007

Wet and Wild

Looky here! I've been working on a lesson plan to show students how dangerous drinking open-well water can be, and I was able to borrow a Dino Lite digital microscope, and this is what I was able to find in the open-well in my compound! I really had no idea what it was, but according to one of the Peace Corps doctors it is probably aedes aegypti mosquito larvae; which grows up to become the mosquito that transmits dengue fever, yellow fever, chikungunya, and others. It's probably not too harmful to drink, but it was enough for some of my students to vow to never drink open-well water without boiling it first. I shall continue to hunt for nastier and more malicious critters lurking beneath the water in my well.

The night sky was incredibly bright and celestial last night. If you live somewhere where you can see the sky or if you're planning on camping or traveling or going for a drive, I highly recommend downloading Stellarium from . It's planetarium software. You can simply put the time, date, and location in, and then it will show you the sky, stars, star clusters, constellations, constellation art, planets, etc. You can move forward and back in time and the sky will change accordingly, and you can also zoom in on clusters and planets. It's almost like Google Universe. Check it out.


At 5:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your micro slide is GROSS and I don't live there and I wouldn't drink the water !! be out in the dark & see the celestial skies from Africa....that would be sooo cool. I have been known to sit up late on my deck and watch hale-bop comet and meteor showers. It gives you a sense of how small we are & how big God is.I shall check out the site you mentioned for star gazing.My favorite memory is seeing the northern lights in South Dakota with your mom when enroute to see Kristin at her little country school in the boonies. It was like someone painted the skies with glow sticks( green ).It was magical to witness the lights.Enjoy all the wonder around sounds like you are. Happy New Year dear nephew,Evan.
love you
Aunt Kathy

At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you so much for keeping this blog, im sure its good for you as a diary after its all done, but you also really put your personality in it which really makes me feel we are really conversing, as i read i could hear a charaicture of your voice delivering the "malicious critters lurking beneath the water in my well" anyway keep up the good work, and continue to defy the sun. Andrew J


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